Welcome to Lenzie Meadow Primary School. Some of you are already familiar with Lenzie Meadow; others are meeting us for the first time. I would like to welcome you to our inclusive, friendly and welcoming school.

I hope you will find this handbook helpful in gaining an insight into what our school has to offer your child.

Lenzie Meadow is a purpose built school which opened in August 2016. It is set in the heart of Lenzie and is very much part of the local community. We are very proud of the partnerships we have formed within the Lenzie Community. Our partnership with pupils, parents and external agencies are the key to this success.
We aim to provide a curriculum that provides depth and challenge within learning. We also focus strongly on GIRFEC principles, which mean our curriculum is tailored to support all pupils as individuals. We strive to achieve this within an atmosphere where children are encouraged to take pride in their work, show respect for others and value themselves and the contribution they make to school life.
We have very effective links with the schools and nurseries in the local area, as well as our own purpose built Lenzie Meadow Nursery. Our secondary feeder is Lenzie Academy with which we enjoy very strong links.
Information regarding the school and our nursery can be found on our website – www.lenziemeadow.e-dunbarton.sch.uk. We also have a school and nursery Facebook and Twitter page. Many items are uploaded to the social media sites and staff report on pupil achievement through this media too.
If you would like more information about the school, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you and your child.

Yours sincerely


Head Teacher

View our School Handbook for 2023-24.